Hey fam,
This week is a lot better than last week. I'm not depressed anymore! Yay! We are having the baptism on Friday, so that is lifting our spirits. Last night we had a lesson with a boy who is dating a girl in the ward, and he's very interested in the church! So I'm hoping he will get an answer to baptism soon. :) We are getting a TON of referrals from the ward, they are very helpful to us and keep us busy. :) We haven't been tracting to much this last week, which means we are seeing a few more people during the day. Yay! Sis Oborn has been getting sick in the mornings, so that has been hard to stay in until 1 or so. But she has had health problems in the past. I have been keeping busy in the morning with organizing the area book into areas, so when we are specific areas we can see everyone who is in the area book. So it's been kinda nice.
We had our mini zone conference last week which was pretty cool! We met President and Sister Miller, they are way nice and Sister Miller is so sweet! I'm excited to get to know them better. I saw Elder Inman (who was in the MTC with me) there, he's a little shy around me for some reason, so I tried to get him to talk about his area to me. It was ok. There were 2 other sisters there, which I've never had any other sister companionships at my zone conferences! So that was nice to have other sisters there. :) I found out that there are only 8 english sisters and 6 spanish sisters in my mission since the split. So I'm the 3 most senior sister in the mission. And I've only been out for 5 months! It's weird. So I'll probably be training the rest of my mission. Oh and by the way, I come home in a year today. Weird! They changed the rules and I have to fly home now instead of being picked up, sorry Annie! :(
How was the 4th? We had fireworks in our backyard, but there were trees in the way! Of course. So we watched what we could through the trees. We had to be in by 7, so that was kinda lame! We went to Highland Meadows after church, it was awesome! There's a family that lives out there, the James family, they have 11 kids. It's awesome! They have a natural health business. So it's all herbs and stuff. Brenda I sent you a card to check out the website, I thought you might like it. They gave me some herbs to help my female problems (since I don't want brith control), so I'm hoping it will help. Rachel James gave me her email address so that you Brenda can email her when I need more herbs when I'm not in Los Lunas. They do not charge missionaries. :) Her email address is purple.frogprincess@gmail.com I will let you know when I need more and then you can forward the email to her. But that won't happen until after I leave Los Lunas.
It gets way hot out here, it's been around 95-100 everyday. Poor Sis Oborn fainted last week, ever since then she has been sick in the mornings like I said. I think I might be pushing her to hard, but I hate just sitting around when I know there is work to be done and people to see! So this is helping me learn patience...I hope! I try not to get frustrated.
JULIA! What is going with your papers?!?!?! You need to keep me updated every week ok??? How was Cali? Do you have the car? Helen are you excited for Idaho? I wouldn't be. Bleh. It's good from what I hear that you are getting away and dating other people. :) So Sis Oborn has a way good quote from Pres Hinckley:
"Many young women are serving missions. Many are preparing to serve, not because they aren't married or have nothing else to do, but because they have a desire to serve. The reason so many are going is because in the next generation, Heavenly Father will be sending his priesthood army to the earth. He wants to send them to mothers who have been properly trained in the gospel. And what better training can a young woman have than that of serving a mission?"
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THAT QUOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's so true! I get tingly everytime I read that. :) :) :) So boys, you need to find girls to marry who have been on missions. They are going to be the ones who are teaching your kids, and what better teachers than the ones who have been trained in the gospel? Yay ya!
Anyway! I love you all! Someone let Steven read this.
Sister Stolp