Leda's Address

4400 Presidential Dr.
Albuquerque, New Mexico

1st Nephi 3:7

And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

To Annie Again

YAY!!!!!!! I SOOOO want to be there for their court of honor! I was so worried that I wouldn't be there. I hope it's before I go to CA! Man, that seems like forever away, but after I get home, it's only like 2 weeks. So it's really not that bad. So I have to talk on July 17 about how the gospel changed the lives of those I taught on my mission. I have a few ideas, but I really haven't seen to much change in that way. I get moved around way to much on my mission to actually see the results. OH! I forgot to mention in my family letter that I got a letter from a man in Gallup who we tracted into, they were actually being taught by missionaries in Colorado, so they let us in right away. We had dinner with them once and we had some really good discussions and stuff with them. They are baptist, and are very active in their church, but they are willing to listen. I think it's because they recognize the spirit and truth. So it was really cool teaching them. I had actually forgotten their last name, but I remembered the wifes name because it's cool, it's Leisl. :) So anyway, I got this letter and all it had was their last name on the envelope, and for the life of me I couldn't remember who that was! And so I opened it, and it was them! So he was telling me that he was praying the other night and I came into his mind. I had told them about mom dying and how I have seen God's hand in my life. And it touched him so deeply that he remembered that about me. So he wrote me a letter telling me how much he appreciated that I had shared that experience with his family, and he talked about how I need to finish strong (he calculated that I am leaving soon), and how we have a bond through Jesus Christ and a few more other things. They have not joined the church, but they definitely have a strong testimony of Jesus Christ. It was a really neat letter, and I really needed it right now. I will read it to you when I get home. Anyway! I love you!
Love Sister Stolp

Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day

Hey everybody! So today I am going to the tram for p-day. It's the thing that takes you up to the top of the mountain. Sister Bode set it up, she wants to hang out with me before I go home. I am so excited to see her again and to talk with her! She is in a 3some with Sister Herzog and Sister Gorringe in Ladera/Ventana Ranch/Volcano Cliffs. Sister Nichols went home, so all of this is hopefully temporary, it's so hard to cover 3 wards! I'm not exactly sure why Sister Nichols went home, all I know is that her grandpa died last month? I hope she is ok. Her 3 handicapped brothers weren't doing so well either when I was with her. So I just hope she is ok. I will probably call her when I get back.
Today is Sister Wilsons birthday, so we are excited to be doing something fun. :) So I told you all about Fred, he is a painter from Chicago, and I asked him to paint me a rock, so I'm excited to see what he is going to paint me. :) He is such a cool guy!
How was your fathers day dad? How was yours Jimmy? Sorry I didn't get you a card, I thought a good enough present was me coming to stay with you guys for the summer. :) Happy Fathers day!
How are the eagle projects going? Brenda, I'm sorry to hear about your uncle, I hope the funeral was lovely. How is your brother? I heard he was out of the hospital, but is he doing ok? Anyway, I'm not sure what else to write, nothing to exciting happened this week.
I hope you all have a great week! I love you all!
Love Sister Stolp


Hey everybody! How's it all going? What has your week been like so far? Mine has been fun. :) We have an investigator named Tim Archuletta, he's a tatoo artist and is like 32 and has 2 little girls. He is divorced from his wife of 10 years, she was a member, but I think is excommunicated now. But I'm not sure. Anyway! We have been trying to get a hold of him for a bit, but he has been busy, but finally we have been able to see him! :) Yay! He stopped drinking, and is off drugs, but he still smokes. :( But he definitely wants to quit. So anyway, we were teaching him the other day, and we were giving the first lesson. So after the prayer I asked him who he thought we were praying too, he said God. I said, yup, and I asked him who he thought God was. He said he thought of God as a light (like a disco ball?) with all colors and stuff. It was interesting. Bernalillo is very interesting with the way they think. Everyone thinks of God as something different. In a lot of my areas, people think the same way about certain things. But anyway. We talked about that for a little while, and then we gave him the testimony of Joseph Smith to read, and set up an appointment for the next week. So a few days go by and he texted us and said he was going camping and that we would have to reschedule our appointment. :( (I hate that) So we decided to stop by before he left and see how he was doing and give him some spiritual nourishment. So we asked him if he had read his assignment, and he said he read it the same day we taught him!!!!! NO ONE DOES THAT!!!!!! I was blown away! I was very proud of him. :) We talked a little bit and his ex wife had mentioned that we get to create our own worlds one day, and he totally loves that concept. It is way cool because no one likes to hear that. They think we are going to be angels for forever. Anyway. So we gave him Enos to read while he was gone camping. He doesnt' comprehend things to well, but I know that it makes him feel happy. :) I love Tim! He's so cool!
So you all know about Fred, well, Fred teases me a bit about if he was younger he would totally go after me (as in marriage), and he has mentioned going to the temple with me. Haha! So yesterday in class (and I was sitting behind him) we were talking about the Celestial kingdom and the requirements of getting there. One of the requirements is getting sealed. He raised his hand and said that he has  a problem because he is not married. We told him that there is a chance in the next life for him to get married. So that made sense to him. And one of the guys said that she could  be infront of him or behind him or just around the corner. So Fred turns around and looks at me and was like hmmm....It was soooo funny! I was laughing so hard! Sister Wilson said that I was the reddest shade of red anyone could get. It was so funny! It is totally an inside joke, but everyone was laughing! After class he said it again, that if he could (marry me) he really means it. SOO  FUNNY! All the old men love me...It's because I worked at True Value, I know it! Anyway, Fred is a famous painter in Chicago, so I want him to paint a rock for me before I leave. That way I can have something to remember him by.
Anyway! That is my fun week. :) Oh, and we found a centimede (sp?) that was about 4 inches long in our shower last night. Yuk.
Love you all!
Love Sister Stolp

Hey Annie! Don't worry, I'm still on. :) I emailed you guys first. Anyway! Who said I was trunky???? I am not! :) It's just weird to think that I will be able to do whatever I want to do again in 3 weeks. Weird. I will definitely miss the mission though! We have some great people out here that we are teaching. But it's only the old men...that flirt with me...I think. I don't know. I think Tim might be flirting with me, but it's really hard to tell. I try to not give that part attention. But I am very aware of those things so that I can protect myself. We always make sure to have someone with us when we go see him. Anyway! I know he teases me though. Whatever. He's cool.
I can't wait to see the dresses! I bet they look bueno! I will have to remember to have Christy sing for me. What a cute girl! Does Christy have blond or brown hair? I haven't seen a picture of her since you sent me pictures in October...and I think those were taken in the summer...and she was bald I think! You're such a slacker! But I still love you. :)
Well, I am super excited to come and help you with the girls! Yay! I will keep Vanessa in line, and she will love me, and I will love her, and we will be best buds, and she will miss me when I leave, and I will miss her when I leave, but that's ok, because I will call her and she will talk to me, and we will still be the bestest of buds. :) I'm way excited! And if none of the other girls come out then that is ok, I need to spend of quality time with the Stevens family. And I will have time to hang out with the Stolps when I get back. :) it's all good!
Well, I love you! Keep emailing me!
Love Sister Stolp

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Almost There

Hey everybody! What is new this week? Are you boys officially done with you eagle projects? I want to see pictures of you at your court of honor, and don't forget I want an invitation!!!!! What are you boys going to do when you are done with your projects?
So have you all heard about the fires in Arizona? There are 3 or something like that, and they are all at about the central New Mexico border, so we are getting the smoke from 2 of them here in Bernalillo!!!! It has been crazy! We had ash on our car the other day, it was crazy! I heard about the tornadoes in Massachusetts and California. Weird! I bet you it is definitely the signs of the times. In gospel principles we are at the end of the book, which talks about the last days and stuff, and every Sunday (almost) we joke around about how the world is going to end in October. It's pretty comical. :)
So what have you guys decided for my trip to California? How am I going to get there and when?
So yesterday we were doing member visits, and we dropped by one house with the name of Whipple, (they might be related somehow). Anyway, so the night before Sister Whipple's mom had a masive stroke. It is kind of crazy how throughout my mission I have done that so many times, where we just make plans to do whatever, and it's exactly where and when we need to be. So we were able to provide comfort for Sister Whipple and Sister Wilson (my comp) shared an amazing scripture with her. It's 3 Ne 9:13. Read it. :)
So Annie, here are my suggestions on a name for your baby if it's a girl. Loretta, Amara (am-uh-ra), Mary, Theresa, Megan. I think that is it. I like Bethany I guess, but anyway, there are my suggestions. Do you have any middle names picked out? Hopefully I will be in Ca before the baby is born! That would be sad if your baby was born before I went out there! :( Christy must be HUGE! I can't wait to see her! I can't believe that I only have 4 weeks left! It's crazyness. Anyway! I hope everything is going well for you!
I love you all!
Love Sister Stolp

Lots of Pics!

Hey so I just sent a bunch of pictures, sorry it's been a while since I've done that, but I've been always short on time when I email. ANyway! So this week we saw a bobcat outside our door. We live in Placitas where all the hippies used to live, so it's kind of out in the open, and our backyard is like the forest. :) But it was way cool! I like died when I saw it! I wish my camera was better! Oh well. Anyway, nothing new happening here. I am with Sister Wilson now. She's been out for about 10 months, so it's kinda nice. We are tearing apart the ward directory. I guess you could say that is my forte, I love contacting everyone in the ward and then letting the ward know what I find. :) I don't stay in an area long enough to see any results, but I love doing it anyway. And we have been trying to get the ward council on board with the 15 names, they hardly know what to do with them! So we have been really cracking down on the ward with getting the 15 names put together in 2 weeks, I want results while I'm still here! Anyway! So ya, nothing to new. I'm still trying to find my family to baptize. :( I don't know if we have any potential families to baptize at this moment, BUT that doesn't mean I won't find them and baptize them. Heck, I could find them when I only have 2 weeks left, and they could be golden and get baptized the Saturday before I go home! How cool would that be? My last Saturday and I get my wish of baptizing a family. I have been praying (but probably not as regularly as I should) to find this family. I know that there is one out there with my name on it! But maybe I'm not supposed to be a missionary when I find this family. :( Anyway! I hope everyone is good and doing well. How are the eagle projects coming? Is everyone done? Have you found out when the court of honor is going to be? I WANT INVITATIONS TO IT! Even if I can't be there, I still want to be informed of when they are. If I don't get an invitation, I will be very mad.
Anyway, what are all your plans for the summer? I love you! Write me letters back!
Sister Stolp

To Annie

Annie that sounds wonderful if you could drive me home and show off the baby and stuff. I would love going on that road trip with you! :) Helen should just come and hang out with me. But I can see why Julia would not be able to come. But if I could find a low key job out in CA then that would be fun. :)
That's cool that Lorien has a recital! She's got to be so big too! She's going to be baptized next year huh? CRAZY!!! Oh, and what you said about Christy nursing her baby along side you is so cute! She sounds really sweet. I can't wait to meet her again! She definitely won't remember me! Oh and about your hands. I bet you have ecxema. (or however you spell it) I have had a couple of companions who have that. Their hands look all blistered and they peel and are very tender. I thought about you right away. There is a lotion that you can get for ecxema, I saw it at Walgreens. And that is probably what the girls have, and when you dry out, it gets really bad. So you do good by putting lotion on your hands and stuff. I guess just keep it moisturized. :) Anyway! That's exciting about your garden, it sounds like it's doign really well. I'm so proud of you!
How heavy are you this time? I remember you got HUGE with Lorien, but I can't rememeber the other girls, probably because I didn't get to see many piuctres. Anyway! I have to go, I LOVE YOU!!!
Sister Stolp